Douglas Adams

Douglas Adams
Our Noble and Author

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Greetings from Pope Scott the First

Greetings my children, I am Pope Scott the First, founder of the Dougian Church. Through me Douglas Adams speaks, and I follow his will. As head of the Church, I am in charge.

I would like to make you all aware of a great threat to our most humble Church. It is known as Al-Guidea. These radicals believe that there are only TWO books which were written by Author. This is HERESY!

I warn you all to not be taken in by there heretics, as the word the spread is blasphemous, and it is hereby forbidden by the church to visit their site:

As well, the church has begun an inquisition of all books ever written, to determine whether or not they are humorous and sci-fi enough to be read by Dougians. The books are marked as worthy or un-worthy after the ENTIRE book is read. Those books deemed un-worthy or blasphemous are to never be read by Dougians, and if ever a Dougian should come upon one, they are to be burned on the spot.

One book particularly stands out above all others thus-far as being especially not funny and un-sci-fi. This book is The Handmaid, by Margaret Atwood. This book is not only to be burned, but VERY BURNED.

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