Douglas Adams

Douglas Adams
Our Noble and Author

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Death of Douglas and His Legacy

Alas, one of the greatest authors to ever tread upon the literary world is dead. Yes, Douglas Adams left us on May 11, 2001. But alas, His death brought us hope! In the crumbling literary world, Author, manifested Himself into the flesh. This was Douglas Adams. He was sent to bring justice and humor back to the ever-so-dying literature filled with inhumorous works of fantasy or science fiction.

He also brought knowledge to us, of a Literary Trinity: Author the Plotter, Douglas the Writer, and the Holy Publisher. In this way, and the system He introduced, we can bring light and life back to books! But the only way we can improve our own writing skills and literary taste is to continually study and compare other books to His Hitchhikers Series.

So, to become the people Douglas wants us to be, we must read his books and learn from them. We have been given a Commission to spread His books across the world (using the internet), and to bring light and laughter back to literature!

It has only been six years since his death, but our mourning is now over! We must preserve His memory, through the Guide and its teachings, and become People of the Author!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is good.

Pope ScottI