Douglas Adams

Douglas Adams
Our Noble and Author

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Prayer of the Church

For those of you who don't know, there are only proper ways to bring glory to Douglas Adams, and the Heavenly Plotter. These proper ways were instituted to us, and will be kept to preserve the memory of our Noble, Douglas Adams.

This picture on the right shows the standard "Prayer position". Kneel, or stand, and bow your head. Then, place one hand in the other. With the hand on top, change it into the "thumbs up" position. This method was first introduced, and is named "Sticking your thumb to the stars."

This position will allow Author, His Writer, or the Holy Publisher to hear your thoughts or words as you say/think them.

Now, below, will be listed the Noble's Prayer...this should be said before any readings of the Guide.


Our Author, who wrote the Guide,
hallowed be thy writing.
Thy books shall come,
thy will be written
as it is written in the Guide.

Give us this day
our daily page,
and forgive us our primitive writing skills,
as we forgive those
who primitively write against us.

And lead us not into
inhumorous writing,
but deliver us from
terrible literature.

For thine is the
New York Times Bestseller List,
the power and the money,
forever and ever.



Anonymous said...

that's good

sakred rapetor minus "t" said...

Why, thank you, sir. Just so you know, I am Abbot Andrew. It appears that the password to Petros has been...changed. Would the Pope know anything about this?

Anonymous said...

This is good.

Pope ScottI