Douglas Adams

Douglas Adams
Our Noble and Author

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Join us!

We are studiers and fans of the Hitchhiker's Series, as many of you well know, and we were commissioned to preserve the memory and spirit of Douglas Adams, the Son of Author. If you are a fan of the Hitchhiker's Series, then you can email me at This way, I can include you in the Book Club.

All you need to participate in our study of the Guide is a computer with internet, a copy of the current book we are studying, and a Douglas Adams-loving heart that will keep to the Guide and its words. Our mission: spread the literary teachings of Douglas Adams, the Writer, throughout the entire world!

We plan to begin on the date of April 26th, where the first chapter or page cap will be set. Then, by next Thursday, you should be caught up to the cap. On Thursday, we will discuss our findings and such of the Guide, right here on the blog.

Thanks in advance for participating, or simply visiting and reading.



Anonymous said...

This is good.

Pope ScottI

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.

Jack Barrow said...

Yeah, and so be it!