Douglas Adams

Douglas Adams
Our Noble and Author

Monday, April 23, 2007

Our New Leader

Listen, people of this book club! We have two leaders. These are Scott son of Glenn and Carson son of Tim. Scott has become our first "pope", or reading leader. He will direct our chapter caps, along with his Arch-Bishop Carson son of Tim. Praise be to Douglas. It is this way, that the Pope can read ahead in the Five True Tomes, and pick which verses will be a great ending point to discuss every Thursday.

Praise be to Douglas, our Noble and Author. Praise be to The Plotter. Praise be to the Holy Publisher, who is many seperate book publishers but also One.

So, Pope Scott son of Glenn, you'd better prepare for your lesson from the First Tome, and chapter/page cap for April 26th.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is good.

Pope ScottI