Douglas Adams

Douglas Adams
Our Noble and Author

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Sign of the Hiker

Hey, Hikers/Dougians! We hope all is well with our members. For all of you who are unaware, we are incorporating a sign of faith into the Church. This will be known as the Sign of the Hiker. Below will be a visual guide on how to do this...

1) First, make your right hand into a "thumbs up" position like a hitchhiker.

2) Place the hand, with the thumb upwards, near the bottom of your stomach:

3) In a linear fashion, move the hand upwards close to your head:

4) Diagonally, thrust the hand (still with thumb upward) to your right side.

5) Then in a linear fashion, move it to the left side:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is good.

Pope ScottI